A Fascination with Language Acquisition
A Fascination with Language Acquisition
Is silence always golden? Not speaking by 2 years old - late talkers, should you be worried?
Meltdowns? Tips for Little Talkers Tantrums
Happy Families - and how to keep it that way!
Bilingual baby - will it delay speech?
Theory of Mind - activities for babies and young children
Dump the Dummy – 5 tips to help you with dummy extraction to minimize meltdowns
11 Tips on how to develop communication skills at the park
Why is the sky blue ? Tips for developing language through questions
How to use rhyme and song for social skills and language - tips from a speech therapist
Squabbling siblings - AKA Sibling Mediation 101
What can I do to help correct my child's speech? Some practical takeaways to help a speech error
How was school? *silence* - sound familiar? Some speech therapist tips for conversation starters
How can speech and language therapy help my child?
Why I love lego therapy. A love letter from a speech and language therapist.
The Colour Monster - A great book for emotional awareness
6 good communication habits for the New Year
12 YouTube Videos for Teaching Speech, Language and Communication Skills
What on earth is tongue tie? What you need to know.
Hurray for Play! From 0-3 years and how it aids language development
Can toys supercharge my child's language skills?
Ask an early years teacher - speech and language in their eyes
Best 8 books for boosting your toddlers vocabulary
How to tell if your child has a speech, language or communication need
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