Great for
- Single sign users
- As a visual timetable
How to use the ChoicePad
- Introduce new vocabulary by having the MyChoicePad user match the activity you have just finished (i.e. after they have brushed their teeth) with the symbol on the ChoicePad and copy the sign. Or you could have photographs of the user or other people carrying out the activities and take it in turns to look at the photo and match with the appropriate symbol on the ChoicePad. You could also try making up short stories together using the new vocabulary or choose a symbol, act out what is happening and encourage the MyChoicePad user to guess what it is by pointing to the symbol and/or using the sign.
- Use as a visual timetable by showing the user what is next in their routine by pointing to the symbol and copying the sign, for example you could say ‘first we are going to have breakfast’ and use the sign and then return to the iPad and say ‘now it’s time to brush our teeth’ and copy the sign.
Customise for the person you are supporting
Change it up depending on your MyChoicePad user’s morning routine! You could take photos of the user at each stage of their routine and replace the symbols in the current ChoicePad. Mary, mother of Ben, one of our MyChoicePad users reported that she found using photos of Ben carrying out each action (for example brushing his teeth, putting his socks on etc) supported his motivation to practise and learn each sign. Mary also reported that it helped Ben become more independent as he knew which order to carry out each task and at the start of each activity he would return to the iPad and select the symbol and copy the sign. Following this repetition, Ben is now able to use the signs spontaneously.